07407 675803

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United Kingdom

Okehampton, Devon

Email Address

Office Number

07407 675803

My Promise To You

"I Champion My Clients' Needs. Security. Results. Selflessness"

Got a Question?

Why choose you?

"In the region of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" - Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, Adagia - 1500

Simply put, I strive in separating ourselves from other marketing businesses, aiming to gain an advantage over our competitors.

I detest the thought of being 'average' or like any other marketing businesses, so I go above and beyond what most aren't willing offer when you decide to work with us.

I prioritise your success by providing dedicated support, fostering open communication, and offering flexibility to meet your needs.

My data-driven approach ensures that I deliver results which directly translate to your prosperity.

What if you don't get me any leads?

Great question! I am are confident that I can get you results, but I understand safety nets must be in place.

Our safety net is as follows: "If I do not produce (How many leads you require on a monthly basis) within 1-2 months, you don't pay me!"

When it comes to outsourcing PPC, there are two types of payments that take place.

Ad spend: Money that has already been spent on ads is non-refundable, as Ad platforms don't offer refunds due to the nature of their service.

Service fee: This is what I ask of you to provide for us to carry out this service. This is refundable if I fail to honour our agreement.

But why PPC?

Organic marketing takes time and doesn't require a business owner to outsource their marketing to see results.

In fact, it's much better for a business owner to take the time to learn organic marketing as the barrier to entry is relatively low and free!

This is why I chose PPC as our service because we generate quick results for our clients, while allowing me to have control of, and measure, the effectiveness of this marketing strategy.

For business owners, PPC can easily go wrong without without knowledge in the service, marketing PPC, an eye for design and proper market research, all of which takes time.

Time business owners would rather spend on their business, which is where I come in!

So what do I have to do?

Your contribution: While I'll handle lead generation and appointment setting on your behalf, it's important that you continue to provide the best service possible. It's a two-way relationship that focuses on your businesses growth and or, success!

Content: The content you provide will be photos or videos of your work or business, these set the foundations for our strategy for the landing page we'll create for you.

Communication: Since we'll be working together, it's important we stay in touch. I understand that your time in precious and can be easily consumed by work, not to mention the importance of personal time!

So, I'll keep all irrelevant communications to a minimum, while maximising the effectiveness of our communications.

Claim A Free Marketing Strategy

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Okehampton EX20, UK
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07407 675803

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We’re on a mission to build a better future for business owners looking to grow!